never a jw
JoinedPosts by never a jw
Some powerful stuff against the WT
by Giordano inin another thread a poster has been in a pitched fight with others about the results from the arc.
trying to explain away the results and minimizing the damages.
what he has failed to understand is that the society had and still does have certain policies in place that hide the sexual abuse of minors.
never a jw
Well they have only lost one case and that case was greatly reduced on appeal.
How many have they lost before reaching the courts, otherwise known as settlements?
84 Lumber Commercial
by azor injust saw this commercial and was very impressed.
hoping more companies start doing the same.
most of us are immigrants.
never a jw
We don't live in a perfect global free market, but we keep moving in that direction, and more and more the Chinese worker is getting better wages at the expense of the American worker's wages (for example). This movement will only stop with national isolationist policies, or in a free market, when the workers in China reach the same economic level as the American workers, all other things being equal. It's the invisible hand!
Regarding people at the top, I still believe is the invisible hand, but certainly a glitch of the free market that runs the risk of collapsing the economic system when the wealth is concentrated in few hands. That's why most nations have progressive taxation, to reduce that risk.
84 Lumber Commercial
by azor injust saw this commercial and was very impressed.
hoping more companies start doing the same.
most of us are immigrants.
never a jw
Simon: it's all about whether it pays a decent wage.
Who gets to say what's a decent wage. It's not about "decent" wages. It's about American companies staying alive, even competitive, in a global economy. That's why companies who stay in the U.S. have to get cheap labor from illegal immigrants. It's Adam Smith invisible hand always at work in a free market economy. American workers have to get used to the new world order or get a rude awakening. Voting for Trump got them a short break only. The invisible hand can't be contained for long.
Simon :I presume illegal immigrants don't [pay taxes]?
No good numbers on that, but many, possibly most illegal aliens pay income taxes in proportion to their low wages. They also are consumers and pay sales tax and pay property taxes through their landlords. So, the answer is many illegal aliens don't get a tax free ride.
84 Lumber Commercial
by azor injust saw this commercial and was very impressed.
hoping more companies start doing the same.
most of us are immigrants.
never a jw
It is quite amazing how easily people are willing to ignore their own principles. Most reasonable people in the planet would agree that laws are necessary for an orderly society, and yet so many either get offended by, or disregard the mentioning of the word "Illegal" when referring to most of the immigration going on between the borders of the U.S. and Mexico. In fact, it should be enough to say "It's illegal" to end the debate. But people who use this argument are demonized and called bigots. Strange times!
UK: Paul Shields "abused girls after luring them with video games"
by darkspilver infyi from north-east england:.
jehovah's witness abused girls after luring them with video games, court told.
never a jw
Richard Oliver
Confidentiality? B.S. What a bunch of crap! Three elders put together, victim, perhaps parents, and perpetrator and then the Watchtower legal services (multiple people) is involved too. As far as I know this business of confidentiality involves two persons only: the spiritual advisor and the "sinner". That's it. No reports, no judicial committees, no interrogations.
Scientology Superbowl Ad
by azor insimply disgusted with that double standard by our system at times.
cutting ads that question trumps bigoted wall, yet allowing a cult ad in.
never a jw
If you have bought into the rhetoric calling for a wall then yes you are a bigot
This narrow minded approach, to say the least, is what's going to get this country even more polarized.
I think the wall is a waste of money. I also believe that Trump expecting Mexico to pay for the wall is absolutely ridiculous. But calling the people favoring the wall bigoted never crosses my mind. Those people favoring the wall are threatened by mostly economic and cultural factors that affect their lives and livelihood. They believe the wall will reduce that threat. Bigotry is hardly a reason.
The biggest threat to Americans' jobs and wages is coming from a global economy. The wall will not change that. That's why, if it ever happens, is going to fail to solve any economical threats.
84 Lumber Commercial
by azor injust saw this commercial and was very impressed.
hoping more companies start doing the same.
most of us are immigrants.
never a jw
So the anti-immigration people aren't manipulative?
Of course they are. When did I suggest that they are not?
Re-read my post. There's good rational arguments in favor and against, but few people care for them.
84 Lumber Commercial
by azor injust saw this commercial and was very impressed.
hoping more companies start doing the same.
most of us are immigrants.
never a jw
The ad is Watchtower style. Emotional to the core.
Give me the rational arguments. There's plenty in favor and against.
This commercial is emotionally manipulative. The U.S. and other developed countries can't, nor are obliged to, absorb everyone who is poor and suffering in the world. It'd be nice, but is far from reality.
And yes, I am an immigrant living in the U.S. who believes that any host country has to the right to make rational decisions that primarily benefit itself and its citizens before any emotional considerations are applied.
Sometimes I think the WT is mocking the masses
by NikL inas in today's study.... 18 to lie is to say something untruthful.
(as in millions now living will never die, this generation will by no means pass away, allegations of pedophile abuse of children in congregations is apostate lies) however, jehovah wants his people to go beyond not telling outright lies.
he urged the ancient israelites: “you should be holy, because i, jehovah your god, am holy.” then he gave examples of being holy.
never a jw
The chutzpah!